Please come visit our club!
Anyone is welcome to attend the evening, however only members may enter.
Maximum of 4 images per person, colour or black and white.
All entries must be in jpg format. The maximum horizontal dimension allowed is 1920
pixels and the maximum vertical dimension allowed is 1080 pixels, with a maximum 5000 kb
(5 mb) size. Images should named like this: 01-1021-nameoffile.jpg, meaning: membership number – month and year – name of file.jpg.
The definition of a Landscapes for this competition is “A photograph of natural scenery with land and sky-based elements displayed in a pictorial fashion. It may include evidence of man, people, animals, even part of the sea provided that none of these additional elements dominate the photograph”.
Deadline for Entries 6/12/2024
All entries must be submitted by the form below
Please fill out your details and upload your entries here.
If you have any queries, please contact